Singing Guide: Charlie Puth feat. Kehlani

Singing Guide: Charlie Puth feat. Kehlani

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you love the musical production of Charlie Puth and relish the sweet, soulful tunes of Kehlani, you may want to learn how to sing just like they do. Even if you're not a professional vocalist, you can still explore your talents and learn how to sing like Charlie Puth and Kehlani by following a few simple steps.

Charlie Puth's singing technique is characterized by his falsetto and smooth delivery, which enables him to reach some of the highest of notes. Similarly, Kehlani's signature sultry voice type and runs add depth and emotion to her performances. Below, we'll provide some tips and resources to help you learn how to sing like Charlie Puth feat. Kehlani.

First, it's helpful to analyze your voice and understand your voice type. This will inform the style of singing you’ll focus on. Check out what is a voice type and why classify mine to help you identify your voice range. Charlie Puth implements some classical singing elements but also features plenty of pop and R&B influences, as you can hear in his work on songs like “We Don't Talk Anymore”. Kehlani's style is characterized by its smooth and enticing execution with intricate runs and vocal ornamentations to add depth, such as in her work on “Done For Me”.

Once you’ve identified the style in which you want to follow, work on breath support and stamina. Understanding the basics of breathing will train you to use proper breath support which is vital for singing high-pitched notes with ease. Check out the basic breathing techniques and active and passive breathing exercises to help you start. Charlie Puth's falsetto and Kehlani's runs require a lot of breath control and stamina to execute smoothly.

Next, make vocal exercises a part of your daily practice. Try an exercise like Farinelli breathing, which is great for building stamina and improving breath control. Videos like Sustain Vocal or 3 Minute Warm Up are also good options.

Furthermore, don’t forget to open your mouth and throat while singing to improve the tone and make those high notes feel effortless. Some tips on this can be found in this blog post on why it is important to open your mouth and throat while singing. For example, Charlie Puth uses great breath-control mechanics while delivering his falsettos and Kehlani accentuates her scaling runs by stressing on every note.

To understand how to incorporate emotions within your singing, read singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking. Naturally, honing in on a specific technique as with Charlie Puth's or Kehlani's means that their signature style warrants a place in your vocal delivery. Learn more about with one of our educational singing courses such as Singing For Beginners 101 to sharpen up your vocal delivery.

Additionally, explore the range of vocal exercises available in Singing Carrots' pitch training, where you can find interactive vocal warm-ups.

In short, to sing like Charlie Puth feat. Kehlani, you'll need to focus on your breath support, stamina and incorporate elements of classical singing to your delivery and hence, add colors to your performances. You can make use of useful Singing Carrots articles, videos, and tools to enjoy original performances that will hone your singing like never before.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.